James' intern update

James Wakefield is spending a year serving God and the church as an intern. Here’s his latest intern update:

“It’s been another brilliant month serving as the intern. I’ve had my STEPs day as part of the Freedom in Christ course which has been so helpful in my walk with God; committing to praying over my past, present and future experiences across a 6 hour session!

I’ve also really enjoyed serving the Durham Christian Union during the events week MORE as an Emmanuel guest. We welcomed in hundreds of non-christians to talks on some of the big questions in life, and explored the Gospel of John with them.

God’s been guiding me through leading many worship sets from the Deeper conference, to Sunday mornings, Sunday evening HUB sessions and also a new lent initiative of singing in the streets everyday.

I’m really excited to see what he’s doing over this next month as students finish the term and I engage more with whole church family activities.