Who is Jesus?
Jesus Christ is fully God – always has been and always will be.
But at a certain point in history He also became fully man. He was born on Earth 2,000 years ago by the virgin Mary and lived a perfect life.
Jesus came to Earth to take the punishment for all the bad stuff we do. That’s why he was killed – in our place. His death by crucifixion was what we deserved.
Then on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead. Many people saw Him and there’s lots of historical evidence for His resurrection.
Soon afterwards, He went up into heaven – where He is now, ruling over everything and praying for his followers, his church.
But what’s most amazing is: Jesus is inviting you to share in His victory.
Because Jesus took our punishment for us, you can receive his perfection as a free gift, by faith.
Emmanuel Church is made up of many people whose lives will never be the same again because they know Jesus.
So what?
Jesus Christ isn’t just a wise man or a good teacher. He claimed to be God.
After Jesus was crucified, rose from the dead and went to heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit comforts, counsels, empowers and leads Jesus’ followers – Christians.
He also challenges non-Christians, showing them their need for Jesus and bringing them to believe in Him.
But Jesus isn’t finished! He is building His new community, called the church.
We at Emmanuel Church are part of this great project, seeking to make Jesus known – because when He is made known, lives are transformed.
Jesus Christ is our God, our Saviour, our Lord and our friend. We would love you to meet Him. You won’t regret it!
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
Where can I find out more?
Alpha is for everyone who wants to explore life’s big questions. It has run in churches, bars, coffee shops and homes across the world.
It typically includes food, a short talk about Christian faith and a chance for people to share their thoughts. There’s no pressure, there’s no follow up and there’s no charge.
Sunday morning is when we most regularly gather together as a whole church – so we can encounter God together and learn more about Him. Find out more here.
Get in touch
If you have questions or would like to know more about Jesus, we would love to hear from you. There are several ways you can get in touch and, if you like, we can meet and chat.