The Durham Centre (rear) and The Emmanuel Centre (front)
We’re very excited to be resuming in-person Sunday services from 6th September.
These will be our first Sunday meetings together since March. It will be great to be together again. But things will be different than before, and will take some getting used to. Thank you for your patience as we make these adjustments.
Booking your place
There will be two meetings, at 9.30am and 11.30am, each of one hour.
To collect data from each attendee for NHS Test and Trace and to manage attendance numbers so that we can adhere to social distancing, we will be using the Eventbrite website to book in. Everyone will require a ticket, for either meeting.
Tickets will be bookable within the following time frame:
9.30am meeting: from 10am on the Sunday before, until 9.30am the day before (Saturday)
11.30am meeting: from 12pm on the Sunday before, until 11.30am on the day before (Saturday)
These opening times allow people not in a specific meeting to have the first chance of booking in for the following week.
The link to book tickets for the 9.30am meeting is:
The link for the 11.30am meeting is:
Please note: these links will only be open during the times stated above. If you cannot access the links, please try searching Eventbrite for 'Emmanuel Church'.
We recognise that not everyone may be able to use Eventbrite comfortably. Let's help out those we know who may be in this situation.
Staying safe
Things will be quite different during our Sunday meetings. Please read the following carefully, to help everyone stay safe.
All those attending a meeting must wear a face mask (unless exempt), as per national guidelines.
Do not attend if you or a person in your household has Covid-19 symptoms.
Everyone will be observing social distancing. Hand sanitiser is available.
There will be no congregational singing. One person will sing, from behind a plastic screen, supported by a band of musicians.
There will be no separate provision for children or young people and no refreshments will be available.
Please leave TDC directly as the meeting finishes.
TDC will be cleaned between the two meetings. If you can help, please contact Alan:
With all that said, we are very much looking forward to exploring new ways to worship Jesus together!
Online services
Even when in-person services resume, we will be continuing our online services: at 10.30am each Sunday via our YouTube channel.