We’re very excited to announce that our in-person Sunday meetings at The Durham Centre (TDC) will resume on Sunday 6th September.
A recap of 2020….
We suspended our in-person meetings back in March 2020, in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Since then, we have been “meeting” online, through streamed Sunday meetings and Zoom gatherings of our Emmanuel Communities and other smaller groups.
We’re so grateful to everyone who has contributed to these, and it’s been wonderful to connect with new friends who have joined us online from all over the world.
We held our first in-person gathering in five months at TDC on Saturday 1st August, when our monthly Prayer meeting returned - with Covid-19 precautions in place.
Sundays are coming back…
Following a careful health and safety assessment, we will be resuming our Sunday gatherings at TDC on Sunday 6th September.
There will be some changes, to allow us to adhere to government guidelines:
We will be holding two meetings - starting at 9.30am and 11.30am
Each will be no more than one hour, and both will have approximately the same content
Between the meetings, TDC will be cleaned
If you wish to attend either meeting, you should sign up in advance. Further details will be shared nearer the time
All attending a meeting must wear a face mask, as per national guidelines
Everyone will be observing social distancing. To allow this, a limited number will be admitted to each meeting
There will be no congregational singing. One person will sing, from behind a plastic screen, supported by a band of musicians
There will be no separate provision for children or young people
No refreshments will be available
With all that said, we are very much looking forward to exploring new ways to worship Jesus together!
Online meetings
Even after Sunday 6th September, we will continue offering online services - at 10.30am each Sunday, as currently.
Looking ahead…
These arrangements will be kept under constant review so that we are able to respond swiftly to any changes or needs as they arise.
Circumstances may have changed, but Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and adhering to the conditions outlined above.