We have three wonderful people doing the FP internship with us this year: Rachel, Jonny and Becki. Read their March update below.
Hi everyone, time for another FP update!
I've moved back home to Maidnehead now for the time being, but am still looking to serve the church. As some of you will have seen I posted a short video on Sunday, like a mini sermon, and I'll be looking for other ways to serve the community under the present circumstances.
I'm going to use this time to increase the hours I spend studying, and to get my paints out again. If God speaks to me through this then I'll find a way to share it online.
Hey fam What surreal times we live in. I’m currently back home in Telford (don’t worry if you don’t know where that is - answer is: in the middle of nowhere) with my parents and grandparents. I’m quite needed back home with my dad needing help filming, editing and posting videos for the church he leads and my mum needing help setting up her tutoring business as a ‘Skype’ business. I’m spending most of my days reading, playing the guitar, watching films with my family and continuing to spend time in silence per day.
I’ve had a packed term and really feel like I’ve been in need of a break for a while (maybe not one this large!). We had the student weekend away and then Vision, the CU events week and then baptisms with the added joy of preaching at TDC and then link-up lunches. I’ve loved every opportunity I’ve been given.
However, amidst all the opportunities I’ve been given it’s been a challenge to keep fixed on what, for me, I feel this year is for - growing in personal relationship with God. I think the biggest challenge at the moment is realising that this “spending time with God” stuff is really a whole-life ordeal. I know that’s obvious but it’s also kinda scary. I love my time with Him but I’m very used to my routine this year: putting aside 1-2 hours a day in the secret place and then going off to do my day. Currently I don’t have a day to go off and do and that’s challenging for all of us I’m sure. So currently I’m learning to balance the reading and the silence and the praying and the film-watching and the Minecraft-playing and laying it all before God and asking Him where he wants my time. Jesus didn’t play it safe and I don’t want to play this time safe. It’s a work in process - as am I.
I hope to see you all soon. I pray that God is stirring all our hearts to use this time for His glory and also show us how to do that.
Hi everyone!
At the start of March, I really didn’t think this month would ending the way that it is! For me, this month has been a season of continuing to grow in knowledge and confidence as I stand firmly on God’s promises.
Bedford Training
The beginning of the month saw a trip to Bedford for Rachel, Jonny and I as we received training from different speakers alongside 18 other interns. All three of us really enjoy our weeks down in Bedford, it is a wonderful time to share in community and learn more about our Father through the wisdom of others. This week we covered a variety of topics including Doctrine of Scripture, Making Sacrificial Decisions for God and Eschatology. As you can imagine, we often leave with a lot to think and reflect about!
Something I have been focusing my time on this month is creativity. I have learnt more about the joy that I experience when I am creative. In this season of lent, I have decided to delete social media apps from my phone and block sites on my laptop, only accessing them when necessary for communication. I am learning the importance of not always being available, something which doesn’t come naturally when there is constantly a phone in your back pocket. This has led me to really consider how I use my times of rest and I have found that being more intentional with my time is really life-giving! I really enjoy being creative, whether that be playing an instrument, drawing, painting or dancing.
For the last 2 weeks I have been self-isolating as I live with a person whose health issues make her very vulnerable to coronavirus. During this time, I have really found the joy of sitting and playing the piano for hours on end. Throughout this year, I have been very aware that I have not been pursuing Classical music at all for the first time in as long as I can remember. For someone who has been in a choir or orchestra for most of her life, this has been a big shift! However, being able to take out my piano books and just play has really brought me joy in this season of uncertainty.
Practically, two areas that I am really enjoying growing in this year are in youth work and communications work. A particular highlight of the year for me has been working with Pete and Dan with Friday Frenzies, a youth group for those at school locally. The group has been challenging to work with at times, but it is really rewarding to see the continual growth in trust each week. Another highlight is working with Mark and Jonny on communications work, especially creating enews once a month. I know that this is not usually everyone’s cup of tea, but I love admin! The idea of creating a to-do list at the start of the day, sitting down with a hot drink and typing away until it is complete is really fun to me! I’m really enjoying helping more in the last couple of weeks, as well as learning about posting onto the website and uploading videos. I’m currently in the process of organising everything ready for our livestream of Sunday so stay tuned for that (and you know where to head to if something goes wrong)!
I’m really grateful for all the love that you as a church show me, for supporting me in so many different ways and allowing me to grow, even if that involves getting things wrong along the way. I am often fearful of making mistakes or something not being good enough, but I have felt loved, supported and encouraged the whole way through this year, so I truly thank you for that.