Rachel is one of our FP interns, spending a year serving our church community. Here’s her latest update…
Last week as interns we all went to Bedford for training. This time we covered loads of fun topics from prayer, to doctrine of scripture, to eschatology, or in other words the end of the world.
Rachel with her dad
I learnt a lot at this training block, and have taken the email address from one of the teachers to ask them more questions about eschatology. One afternoon is really not enough time to discuss the end of the world, judgement and new creation.
This time was also spiritually significant. I frequently suffer from bad dreams, and on the second morning of training I'd gone in and asked the other two Durham interns to pray with me because I couldn't shake the feelings of my dream.
As the session started, the woman leading it stopped and said "I feel prompted to pray for those struggling to sleep". God knows exactly what we need!
There were a few times God spoke to me across this week. One of these was in a prophetic word from a woman called Linda who came to teach us. I won't repeat the whole thing, but about half way through she told me I was creative, and she didn't know this but even as she said that she was stood right in front of something I'd drawn in worship the previous morning. I don't know what the significance of her saying that was, but it reminded me that God really knows us.
I also had the great joy of visiting Victory Hill Church in Edinburgh! It was so encouraging to see what God was doing there, and great to spend time with some of our regions beyond family.