Four steps closer to The Emmanuel Centre, as Gift Day raises £40k-plus

As a church community we’re on a journey towards opening The Emmanuel Centre.

The Emmanuel Centre will include a 500-seat auditorium, which will host our main church meetings, as well as conference and other commercial business during the week.

We embarked upon this project because God has blessed us with amazing growth, and The Durham Centre, our home for the past ten years, is approaching capacity. In our children and youth work, for example, which once The Emmanuel Centre is completed will have sole use of The Durham Centre on Sunday mornings.

The Emmanuel Centre is next door, and we recently completed the purchase.

During November, we held a Gift Day - encouraging our members to pray about what God was prompting them to give into The Emmanuel Centre project.

We’re very pleased to announce this raised £42,421 including Gift Aid. Thank you to everyone for their generosity.

Our target for this project is to raise £1 million, which Alan encouraged us to think of as One Hundred Steps of £10,000. So our Gift Day has taken us four steps closer to our target!

If you would like more information about supporting the church financially, please visit our Giving page.