Stephen reports from South Africa

Stephen Jones, one of our members, is currently in South Africa supporting educational work.

Half-way through his trip, he sent us this update:

Hi all, it's incredible that I'm at the half-way point now! On my journey to work this morning I drove past two giraffes, as you do!

I've now spent time in all lower primary, up to our Year 4 age, and I'm meeting tomorrow with the Principal to chat through my observations. He would like recommendations to develop this area. Please pray for wisdom and gentleness of spirit with these suggestions and an openness to some changes.

The children are wonderful and today I have coached football in very high temperatures with 90 pupils and four balls! I also answered Grade 3's questions about UK, marked Maths books and taught a lesson about paragraphs. I also spoke about Diabetes and its effects and treatment. Just a normal day!

It's been mild day today - only 25 Centigrade. It was a Civvies day for the pupils, who raised money for Diabetes SA. Some stayed all day in their outdoor coats, whilst I was sweltering in a T-shirt. 

Tonight is a church meeting and I have great anticipation that God is going to move mightily. 

I would value prayers for preaching on Sunday. My theme is to be about being Ambassadors for Christ. Please pray for preparation time and that God will challenge us all about being worthy Ambassadors. 

Take care and God Bless.