Ian and Keith Mallard have recently returned from India where they enjoyed an excellent time among the Regions Beyond churches and good health!
They first attended The Glorious Church conference attended by over 400 people from Regions Beyond churches from across the country. A number of people came from Orissa which involved a 36-hour train journey! There was great teaching and lively worship - sometimes in three languages.
They then travelled to Nashik with Edgar & Isabel. They have a church in the slum and we visited many people and were overwhelmed by their warm welcome and hospitality. Ian presented the gift to the church, which we raised from the Brass band concert which will be used to help them develop their centre which is based in the slum to give education and training to those in need. On the Sunday Ian preached on healing and saw a number of healings take place.
Later in the week they travelled to Pune to be with Colin and Navaz and their church, which reaches out to a very different community. Ian taught on the Doctrine of the church on Saturday to the discipleship team. Ian preached at the church on Sunday morning, and Keith did some leadership training in the afternoon.
“It was wonderful to stand alongside our brothers and sisters as they seek to see God’s Kingdom come in their city. They may face different challenges than we do, but we both stand on the same ground and look towards the same Father for love, encouragement and support.”
Please do have a look at this short video which has a few photos from the conference, Indian scenes and the Centre that Edgar is building in the slum - there is a thank you from him for our contribution.