Last weekend many of our students and 20s enjoyed a Hub weekend away, with teaching from David Campbell. Here are some of the things God did...
“I’ve had a lot of trouble sleeping over the past few weeks, and I struggled especially during the weekend away. Thankfully, a lot happened over that weekend that really helped to pull me out of the resulting exhaustion, and after my testimony David and a few guys came and prayed for me. (cheers guys!)
Despite still having a lot on my mind coming away from the weekend, I managed to get nearly 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night, probably the most I’ve had since the end of last term! Even something as simple as a good night’s sleep can be such a powerful and exciting reminder of God’s care for us...
Thanks so much for such a wonderful weekend and for being an even more wonderful church family! God is awesome!!!”
“First of all I just want to thank all of you for being so GREAT!! You all made this weekend truly amazing for me. God was certainly working through you all and last night is a testament to that, was such a crazy emotional night where everyone just let everything go, let it all go to God (me included) and seeing people afterwards on such highs was just incredible. God is amazing and I pray He continues working in you all.
Secondly, in my testimony earlier I forgot to say a lot of things so I’m going to say it on here and I hope you find some encouragement from it.
So like I said, at the start of the weekend I was feeling pretty low and when God answered my prayers to hear His voice, I knew there and then that He had a firm grasp of me and that I had not been recognising that before hand, which is one of the reasons I was feeling so low. But those words that Dave said over me, fit my situation perfectly and it shocked me and I was speechless at how direct and quick God responded. After that I then prophesied on the spot for someone for the first time and I just felt the Holy Spirit completely overcoming me unlike I’ve ever felt it before.
It has honestly been one of the most amazing and life changing weekends of my life and again I just want to thank you all for being part of that. I am truly blessed to be part of your family and hope to continue building new and stronger friendships with you all.”
“Hello wonderful Emmanuel family! Just want to share a little testimony from this weekend, so I come on the weekend away feeling worried, unloved, lost and anxious and not knowing what to expect!
On the Friday night during the meeting I was pretty upset about a lot of things! Then on the Saturday morning I just felt like God was telling me to let it all out which means I was crying again and feeling very anxious and worried about what people may think about me sat at the back crying! I just felt very lost and empty!
Then it is the evening meeting and I was very anxious about what was going to happen! Then David Campbell preaches about anxiety and it was all totally relevant to me and this how I feel most of the time! And by the end of the meeting and after many prayers I was just a blubbering wreck! But I felt totally at peace by the end of the evening! Anxiety is something I’ve been dealing with for a while but Dave’s preach was totally relevant and brought me some peace and I wasn’t worrying about people judging me for been the girl sat at the back crying it’s ok to have emotions right? God has just been so amazing this weekend and will continue to be amazing now and always I’m just so thankful to have all you wonderful friends and family and community and I love you all very much and I’m super blessed to know you all! God is amazing 😊”
“Hi friends, I had an absolutely amazing time hanging out with you all this past week and it was an absolute honour to be able to serve in so many ways over the weekend and see how much God is doing with you - excited for many stories of what He does next when I return in June!”