Conferences are a regular feature of life here at Emmanuel.
Marc Dupont
We believe in the value of welcoming trusted friends and acknowledged speakers to bring the word of God to us in new, refreshing and challenging ways.
These events are both a tool for equipping us here at Emmanuel and serving the wider Christian community.
Over the last few years we have welcomed and been blessed by a number of different ministries both from the UK and overseas. These have included:
If you would like to be kept informed of forthcoming conferences please sign up to our conferences email list by emailing us here. We look forward to welcoming you soon!
Annual events
The Hub weekend away
Each year, The Hub community has a weekend away from Durham to spend time focusing on Jesus and getting to know Him better through good Bible teaching and the ministry of the Spirit. There is also lots of food, games and laughter – a great combination!
Christmas events
We love Christmas - the time of year when we celebrate Jesus born into the world as a baby, 2,000 years ago.
We always host a range of great events open to the whole community, which have included carol services, brass band concerts, Christmas family fun days and more.
Newday is a major youth camping event that takes place each summer over about six days, aimed at 12 to 19-year-olds.
We have been taking a group of young people most years for some time now and seen God move in powerful ways.