Katie opens Acts 4:13-31 to talk on a bold Church.
A Church built on Repentance
Ashaleigh talks on Repentance from Acts 3:11-26
A Church Built on the Name of Jesus
Josh Warren speaks on Acts 3:1-10 and 4:1-12 about a Church that is built on the name of Jesus.
A Church Built on Scripture
Jonny opens Acts 1 for the first Hub of the term talking on A Church built on Scripture.
Foundations of Family: Sacrificial
Ashaleigh helps us to understand more of the sacrificial nature of community by looking through the book of Philemon
Foundations of Family: Faithfulness
Sam continues our series by looking at the Parable of the Talents and what it means to be faithful
Foundations of Family: Truth
Bekah helps us to begin our series of Foundations of Family by looking at what it means to be a community based in truth through Ephesians 4.
Unshakeable, Immovable Hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)
James helps us to understand the inadequacy of the what the world calls “hope", and how Christian hope is in something unshakeable and immovable.
Living Extraordinarily in the Ordinary (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12)
Nick continues our series by sharing how we can live extraordinarily in the ordinary, sharing stories from his own life, and unpacking 1 Thessalonians 4.
Expecting Persecution (1 Thessalonians 2:13-20
Sam unpacks the reality of life for believers and why we ought to expect persecution for following Jesus.
Staked to Family (1 Thessalonians 2:1-12)
Jonny continues our series, exploring the way in which Paul encourages the church in Thessalonica to give themselves to one another, and how we can do the same.
The Beauty of the Gospel (1 Thessalonians 1:1-12)
Bekah introduces our series on 1 Thessalonians entitled ‘Living for Christ in Uncertain Times’ by unpacking how Paul explains the beauty of the Gospel.
The Resurrection
As part of the Hub’s Mini Series on the Final Week of Jesus’ life, Ashaleigh shares about the significance of the Resurrection in Matthew 28 and how through it, Jesus calls us to greater joy, intimacy, and hope.
Peter's Denial and Reinstatement
As part of the Hub’s Mini Series on the Final Week of Jesus’ life, Nick Phoenix shares about Peter’s Denial of Jesus in Matthew 26 and his Reinstatement in John 21, and how Jesus writes a better story of our lives than we ever could.
As part of the Hub’s Mini Series on the Final Week of Jesus’ life, Sam Cosgrove shares about Jesus in Gethsemane in Matthew 26, and what Jesus’ death means for us now.
The Anointing at Bethany
As part of the Hub’s Mini Series on the Final Week of Jesus’ life, Josh Warren shares about the Anointing at Bethany in Matthew 26 and what it means to give everything to Jesus.
Weekend Away 2020: The Kingdom of God
What a joy it was to be joined by Steve and Jo Whittington for our weekend away this year, as they shared with us about The Kingdom of God, based on The Parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31-32.
All of the main sessions can be listened to below.
From the Hub Weekend Away, which took place between 7th-9th February 2020.
Detox: Social Media
As part of our mini series this term at The Hub called “Detox”, Bekah Oliver explores the issue of social media and what challenges it can present to us, based on Luke 10:27 and Matthew 11:28-30.
From The Hub on Sunday 2nd February, 2020.
Detox: Busyness
As part of our mini series this term at The Hub called “Detox”, Sam Couper explores the issue of busyness based on Acts 3:1-10 and Matthew 11:28-30.
From The Hub on Sunday 26th January, 2020.
Carol Service
For our carol service during the last Hub of the term, Jonny Higgins shares about the beauty and the significance of the birth of Jesus.
From The Hub on Sunday 8th December, 2019.