Continuing our series this term at the Hub on The Church, Rachel Barnes speaks about how we are a church together as family, based on Genesis 2:18, 1 Corinthians 12 and John 17:20-23.
From The Hub on Sunday 24th November, 2019.
The Hub podcast
Sermons from The Hub, our students and 20s community
Continuing our series this term at the Hub on The Church, Rachel Barnes speaks about how we are a church together as family, based on Genesis 2:18, 1 Corinthians 12 and John 17:20-23.
From The Hub on Sunday 24th November, 2019.
Continuing our series this term at the Hub on The Church, Kezia Martin speaks about how we are a church on mission, based on 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Matthew 28:18-20 and Luke 10.
From The Hub on Sunday 10th November, 2019.
Continuing our series this term at the Hub on The Church, Ali Scott speaks about how we are a church empowered by the spirit.
From The Hub on Sunday 27th October, 2019.
Continuing our series this term at the Hub on The Church, Will Briggs speaks about the importance of being a church rooted in the word, based on Psalm 1 and John 1:1-18
From The Hub on Sunday 20th October, 2019.
Continuing our series this term at the Hub on The Church, John Oliver speaks about a church made of people.
From The Hub on Sunday 13th October, 2019.
(Please note that during John’s sermon, there are a number of points at which group discussion takes place).
The Hub is back for the 2019/20 academic year!
To begin this term’s series on The Church, Bekah Oliver speaks from Colossians 1:15-23 on how we are to be a church built on Christ.
From The Hub on Sunday 6th October, 2019.
“The gifting you have is not for you. It is so that you can serve and build up the other parts of the body.”
As part of our sermon series this term at the Hub called “Foundations”, John Oliver speaks about the church: what it is, why it is important to the world, and how it should affect our lives as Christians.
From The Hub on Sunday 25th November, 2018