Weekend Away 2020: The Kingdom of God

What a joy it was to be joined by Steve and Jo Whittington for our weekend away this year, as they shared with us about The Kingdom of God, based on The Parable of the Mustard Seed in Matthew 13:31-32.

All of the main sessions can be listened to below.

From the Hub Weekend Away, which took place between 7th-9th February 2020.

Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control

This term at The Hub, we are looking at the Fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23 through the lens of different stories in the bible.

This week, Naomi Brehm looks at what we can learn about the fruit of self-control from the story of Daniel, and from Jesus himself.

During her sermon, Naomi draws from the whole of the book of Daniel, particularly Daniel 1. She also refers to Matthew 26:36-46.

From The Hub on Sunday 16th June, 2019.