Foundations: The Church

“The gifting you have is not for you. It is so that you can serve and build up the other parts of the body.”

As part of our sermon series this term at the Hub called “Foundations”, John Oliver speaks about the church: what it is, why it is important to the world, and how it should affect our lives as Christians.

From The Hub on Sunday 25th November, 2018

Heroes of the Faith: Abel

This term at The Hub, we are going to be looking at some of the Heroes of the Faith mentioned in Hebrews 11, to consider what it means to be a people of faith.

For the first sermon on this topic, John Oliver looks at Abel in Hebrews 11:4, and Genesis 4:1-7, and what we can learn from him. This is preceded by Bekah Oliver, giving us a general introduction to the theme for this term.

From The Hub on Sunday 29th April, 2018

Righteousness: We are Loved, because We are Loved, because We are Loved

As part of our sermon series on Ephesians at the Hub this term, John Oliver takes us through Ephesians 5:1-21, exploring God's amazing love for us, and the effect this should have upon us.

Although John's message focuses on the first 2 verses of Chapter 5, the rest of the evening was spent discussing verses 3-21 in the light of these. We therefore encourage you to spend some time reading these later verses after listening to the talk, approaching them from a place of understanding God's love for you (as seen in Ephesians 5:1-2).

From The Hub on Sunday 25th February, 2018.