Alan Bell speaks about building our lives and church, and The Emmanuel Centre, to glorify God. Based on the Old Testament stories of the Tower of Babel and Noah building an altar to God.
From Emmanuel Church on Sunday 9th February, 2020.
The Emmanuel Church podcast
Sermons and talks from Emmanuel Church Durham
Alan Bell speaks about building our lives and church, and The Emmanuel Centre, to glorify God. Based on the Old Testament stories of the Tower of Babel and Noah building an altar to God.
From Emmanuel Church on Sunday 9th February, 2020.
Alan Bell draws on the lives of Noah, Moses and Rahab as examples of how God knows we’re flawed, but chooses still to use us. We’re not disqualified because of our failings - we’re qualified because of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 26th May, 2019.
Ali Scott speaks on Judgement and Mercy, based on Genesis 6 and the story of Noah and the Flood.
Part of the Genesis series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 27th November 2016.
Ian explores the Old Testament character of Noah, from Genesis 6-8.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on August 21, 2011.