Keith Mallard speaks on God’s love, as part of the Mother’s Day service at Emmanuel Church on Sunday 19th March, 2023.
Seated with Jesus
Keith Mallard speaks on how God knows and loves his people individually and as Christians we are seated with Jesus.
Part of the ‘Generous God, Generous People’ series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham, Sunday 6th November, 2022.
Gathered for victory
Keith Mallard speaks on how as Christians we are ‘Gathered for victory’.
Part of the ‘Church: Spirit filled and led’ series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 3rd July, 2022.
A Tale of Two Meals
Keith Mallard speaks on how we are combine both the New Testament characters of Mary and Martha - serving and worshipping. Based on Luke 10 and John 12.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 29th September, 2019.
Prepare the way for the coming of the King
Keith Mallard speaks about Jesus healing an invalid, and how we are called to prepare the way for God to come by revival.
Part of the Prepare the Way series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 12th May, 2019.
Bring what you have to God
Keith Mallard speaks on the importance of offering what we have to God, and allowing him to use us.
Based on John 2.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 24th February, 2019.
Part of the Prepare the Way series.
Extravagant Passion
Keith Mallard speaks on Extravagant Passion.
Part of the Extravagant series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 9th December, 2018.
Obedience to God
Keith Mallard speaks on authority and obedience to God, based on Romans 13.
Part of the Romans: The Gospel of God sermon series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 2nd September, 2018.
Grafted in to God's family
Keith Mallard speaks on how we, as Christians, have been “grafted in” to God’s family, as branches are grafted in to an olive tree.
Based on Romans 11.
Part of the Romans: the Gospel of God series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 15th July, 2018.
The Holy Spirit brings us gifts, for mission
Keith Mallard speaks on how the Holy Spirit brings us gifts, which are for mission - based on 1 Corithians 12 and Romans 12.
Part of the Walking in the Spirit series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 10th December, 2017.
Social action
Keith Mallard speaks on social action.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 20th August, 2017.
The Spirit of the Lord is on me
Keith Mallard speaks on Isaiah 61:1: The Spirit of the Lord is on me, exploring the Holy Spirit.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 30th July, 2017.
Jacob's story
Keith Mallard reflects on part of Jacob's story, from Genesis 28-31.
Part of the Genesis series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 30th April, 2017.
Note: This recording begins part way through sermon. Our apologies for this.
What does Easter mean to you?
Keith Mallard asks: What does Easter mean to you?
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Good Friday, Friday 14th April, 2017.
The Promises of God
Keith Mallard speaks on the promises of God, based on Genesis 16-18.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 19th February, 2017.
Part of the Genesis series.
Keith Mallard speaks on Baptism as five people, Rosie, Jason, Becki, Joseph and Joe, get baptised.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 6th November, 2016.
Our Task
Keith Mallard speaks on Our Task, based on Genesis 2.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 16th October, 2016.
Part of the Genesis series.
God's strength in our weakness
Keith Mallard speaks on God's strength in our weakness, based on Judges 7.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 25th September, 2016.
Keith Mallard speaks on the subject of serving.
Part of the Holy Spirit series.
From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 17th July, 2016.
For more on serving, click here.
The miracle of Easter
Keith Mallard shares his testimony about God's provision and faithfulness, and points us to the miracle of Easter resurrection