People who met Jesus: 'Doubting' Thomas

As part of our ‘I have seen the Lord'!’ series on people who met the resurrected Jesus, Richard Davies explores the character of Thomas, sometimes known as ‘Doubting Thomas’, who overcame what some Biblical scholars have identified as a negative streak to become the first missionary to India - where many churches can trace their history to his continent-changing evangelism.

From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 2nd May, 2021.

Happiness - and how we can share it

What makes you happy?

As part of their Inside Out series, our Ignite Online team explore the Old Testament story of King David being wonderfully happy when the Ark of the Covenant was brought back to Jerusalem.

They suggest the best thing we can do when we’re happy is share it - make someone else happy!

With stories, games, crafts and prayer.

From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 2nd May, 2021.

Submission to God

Jeremy Webb speaks on the Biblical concept of submission.

We live in a time when society values independence and self-sufficiency - thinking this brings freedom. The Bible teaches that we’re to depend on and submit to Jesus, and in fact this will bring much greater freedom.

From Emmanuel Church Durham on Sunday 25th April, 2021.