Rachel Lawrence and Scarlett Payne are fundraising for mission trips to Australia and Albania in 2019.
Over the next few Sundays, they will be giving out Real Advent Calendars for supporters who wish to have fun swapping chocolates for coins, and running a church Secret Santa which gives the opportunity to bless and be blessed this Christmas (sign-up is £1).
Rachel is joining Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Australia in January and will complete their Discipleship Training School (DTS). It is an amazing opportunity to explore her identity in Christ and serve others, no doubt including using her passion for musical worship.
Scarlett has just returned from Madagascar and God’s provision has given her the faith and confirmation she was seeking to take part in the 2-week New Frontiers intern mission trip to Albania next June. Past missions have included children’s and youth work and street outreach.
They’d both love your support, prayer or financial, to help them get to their destinations and make a difference! A big thank you to those who have already encouraged their journeys.