On Sunday 14th February, Sally Mallard spoke at our online meeting, sharing and exploring a prophetic word that we had recently received from Marc Dupont, a long-time friend of the church, based in California, USA.
The word Marc shared was:
“2021 and beyond
The vision I experienced of what I believe will be taking place in various degrees in many centers of worship over the next few years. I’m not saying the vision itself would exactly be replicated. But the symbolism of what I saw will be taking place. There were essentially four pictures.
1. I saw a large sanctuary, including bleacher areas, filled with people, all with their hands in the air lost in worship. There was a profound sense of the holiness and awesomeness of God people were experiencing. I had a powerful sense the Lord said this was not some one-off special event. It was symbolic of what will take place at many worship houses in the future.
2. Then I saw the entire front area packed with people kneeling in worship. As I gazed on them, I had a sense that in addition to experiencing the holiness and awesomeness of God, they all had a profound sense of thankfulness in their hearts. I sensed that many of them had experienced significant breakthroughs with God and powerful answers to prayers throughout the season of Covid-19. There was beginning to be an intense revelation that man’s salvation is in Christ alone! In a season of fearing the crown of death, many will be consumed with the crown of Christ!
3. Then I saw in the midst of those kneeling an amazing pillar of fire rising straight up through the building and rising hundreds of feet in the air. It reminded me of looking at a Google map where there is a red dot marking a location. The pillar of fire was roughly around 10-12 feet in its diameter. It was like rolling flames comprised the overall pillar.
4. The last thing I saw was whirlwinds emanating from the pillar of fire. Biblically, like Elijah and Elisha’s experience of the Lord taking Elijah home, whirlwinds from heaven are symbolic of transition and promotion. I sensed many were going to come into breakthroughs of increased fruitfulness in seeking first God’s Kingdom.
I believe a shift is coming and necessary having to do with the focus of the eyes of the heart of the church. We are going to become more singularly focused on the person of Christ and less focused on man. We are going to be paying more attention to the leadership of Christ, and less to the leadership of man. And, like with the Apostle John’s Revelation of Jesus- we are going to become consumed with the majesty and victory of Christ- even in the warfare of the anti-Christ Spirit and the beast! We will go from being nervous about the mark of the beast to radiating the glory of God, as we learn to gaze on the wonder of who He is.
’for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD
as the waters cover the sea.’ Isaiah 11.9”