Some exciting news regarding our students and 20s provision!
Jonny Higgins
Students and 20s are an important part of our congregation, and we’re excited to announce that from September, Jonny Higgins, who was previously a student with us and last year undertook an internship with us, will be taking on an employed role with the church, working with students and 20s.
Bekah Oliver
Jonny will be working alongside Bekah Oliver, who will continue in her current role with students and 20s.
While they will be working closely together across our student and 20s ministry, Bekah will also be looking to further develop our specific work aimed at 20s while Jonny will be doing the same with students.
John Oliver
Bekah will remain as the Deacon for the students and 20s age group and Jonny will serve as a
Pastoral Assistant to the students and 20s age group.
John Oliver, who has led the students and 20s work for five years, initially in a solo capacity and then for three years with Bekah, will be stepping down from this role on the 31st October.
Over the years John has expertly led the students and 20s work, where we estimate that some 130 students and 20s have been supported through this area of the church. He has led the Sunday evening HUB meetings; five 'God Loves' mission weeks; six weekends away, which have been times of great encounter with the Holy Spirit and a time of deepening relationship with God; two mission trips to South Africa and Lesotho; and co-produced the incredible community musical 'Joseph and his Technicolour Dreamcoat'.
During the first morning meeting on Sunday 13th September we will pray for John as he steps down from his role and during the second morning meeting that day, we will pray Jonny into his new role.
For more information on our students and 20s work, click here.