International Sunday brings a visit to The Emmanuel Centre

Our International Sunday last week was a wonderful time of connecting with God and being propelled forward into the future.

Many of us donned national dress, we welcomed our great friend Finny to speak and we all visited the building that will become The Emmanuel Centre, where we launched a special gift day to fund this exciting project.

‘Your appointed time’

Finny spoke powerfully from the book of Zechariah.

Zechariah was destined to be a Priest, with regular day by day activities; but rather being called as a Prophet, putting on prophetic robes, for “this appointed time” to show that “Then you will know the Almighty has sent me”.

The five visions he had set out in Ch 1-4, are so apt for us today:

  1. God is setting peace in our midst

  2. He will de-horn any enemy that may come against us

  3. Expanding our capacity, rather than using a measuring line to build walls, he will become a wall of fire to protect us

  4. Leaders, at all levels, will have a new authority as they have new ventures, inviting neighbours to sit under vines

  5. Olive trees will fill the reservoirs of the Golden lamp-stand - don’t despise small beginnings.

Please do listen again to his sermon available here.

The three vats

Alan then reminded us of a prophetic word from 2017 regarding three vats that would cover the building and would contain grain for the feeding of the nations.  This prophetic picture was then actualised as mixing vats were taken out of the building by transporter (see below).

We then walked across to The Emmanuel Centre where we launched our crucial Gift Day. We are just lacking cash to see the building developed, and we were asked to pledge an amount that could be given before or after the end of the tax year.  

For more information on how to give financially, click here. For pledges related to The Emmanuel Centre, please include ‘TEC Pledge’ and your surname.

During the month of February we have pushed into God as we explored the richness of communion, and in the evenings as we prayed for the development of The Emmanuel Centre. During those times we saw many prayers answered, including the adequate provision of electricity in to the building, and much lower costings than was first anticipated.

Our vision is outlined here.

So as we are experiencing growing momentum and growth in our community, come before God and ask what he wants you to give into His Kingdom.

Join our International Choir!

Planning is under way for our second International Sunday, to be held on Sunday 23rd April. 

Last year's was a great celebration of the diversity God has brought amongst us at Emmanuel.

This year, we are looking forward to celebrating that again and - new for this year - we are looking to put together an international singing group to take part in the Sunday meeting.

If you're interested, see Ryan Marklew as soon as possible. Or email:

We are also inviting everyone to wear national dress of a country, either of their birth or that they have a connection with, and register the country of their birth with us, so that we can have a flag for every nation represented.