Welcoming Matt into eldership


We’re so privileged to have a great team of elders in leadership of our church.

On Sunday 23rd June, we welcomed Matt into eldership.

Matt, his wife Jenny and their children are part of our Chester-le-Street congregation, having previously been part of our Durham congregation.

The other elders, plus our friend Ray Lowe, prayed for Matt, before we shared a church family picnic together after the service.

We look forward to how God will use Matt in this new role.

To find out a bit more about Matt, watch this video

Meet our new elder: Matt

We’re very excited to be welcoming Matt Cray into eldership later this year.

Matt and Jenny and their two girls are part of our Chester-le-Street congregation, having previously been part of the Durham congregation.

Matt will be commissioned as an elder at a joint meeting of our two congregations to be held at The Durham Centre on Sunday 23rd June.

For anyone who doesn’t know Matt, here he introduces himself. Let’s be praying for him, his family and all our leaders as we enter this new era.