Helping the homeless at Christmas

We had great fun as Aycliffe and Brancepeth Brass Band joined us for a Christmas carol concert on Sunday 15th December.

Even better, we raised £1,000 for Durham Winter Night Shelter, which provides free overnight shelter for people who would otherwise be homeless in Durham during the winter months.

Several of our members are involved with the initiative, including as charity trustees. So it was great to be able to help out.

Durham Winter Night Shelter - Volunteers Needed!

The Durham Winter Night Shelter is opening its doors again this year, with many people from Emmanuel Church closely involved in the initiative.

After a successful trial last year, North East Mission is now an official registered charity and will be responsible for running the shelter for just over 3 months, starting on 1st December.

The Shelter wants to see God end homelessness in our city, and provides life saving accommodation and support for those who are homeless over the winter. More information can be found on their facebook page, or by watching the video below.

Durham Winter Night Shelter are currently looking for volunteers to help staff the shelter - both night leaders and general volunteers. A variety of 'shifts' are available and any and all skills are welcome as full training will be provided. The training dates are:

Night leaders - 18th October (7-9pm) & 23rd November (10am-1pm) and then one of the general volunteer sessions
General volunteers - One of: 8th November (7-9pm) OR 9th November (10am-1pm) OR 22nd November (7-9pm)

If you are interested in volunteering or just want to know more then please email
