Our own Chris Done is hosting an evening discussion, for women in the church. She explains…
It’s an exciting time in the church, God is on the move, and one of the things I get really excited about is for everyone to grow into everything that God has made them to be. And while that is 'everyone' it’s perhaps especially women as I think there are some specific barriers we face in our culture to be passive rather than passionate.
To not be pushy, to wait till we are asked - if they haven't invited us to do this then it surely means they think we'd be rubbish at it.... Is this ringing any bells? I want to talk about how Jesus sees us, and how he's made each one of us with gifts and talents to use to his glory and to build the church. And I want to motivate each one of us to go and use them!
I'll do a short talk about how my journey of life and faith worked out, then we can do Q&A and take it from there on any direction you want to explore.
It’s Friday 11th January, 7pm for wine and cheese, 7:30pm start.
At: 22 Herefordshire Drive, Belmont, Durham, DH1 2DQ
Please let us know if you are coming so we know how much wine & cheese to get! Contact either Chris Done, Anne Ng or Janet Lawrence if you wish to come along.